This site will be devoted to collecting information about Bigfoot sightings and encounters in the state of New Hampshire. We will also present interesting content taken from various other sources and stories from other parts of the USA and Canada in order to explore the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot on our continent.

This site is for your entertainment and enjoyment. But, keep in mind that thousands of people have had clear, daytime sightings of this animal, so to dismiss its existence as fantasy is foolish. No one should venture into the woods alone or without some sort of protection, the sort of which we will leave up to our dear readers.

If you have had a NH sighting, encounter, or experienced some other incident that leads you to believe you may have been in the presence of one of these elusive creatures, please send your story to us using the contact form.

Or just zap us an email at info (at) bigfootnh.com

Please include as much detail as possible, including the approximate date of the event and the location (town and county). You do not have to use your real name and your name and information will always be kept private. Fleshing out as much detail as possible helps paint a full picture for the reader/listener. If you wish you may also want to mention your age, your hobbies, what you do/did for work, or if you worked for the state park system or police department at the time.

Your story may be used in written form, or used in a podcast if you are available for a recorded interview.

Follow us on FaceBook: https://facebook.com/BigfootNewHampshire