A writer sends us this story from Belmont, NH. The Town of Belmont is located in the southern portion of New Hampshire’s Lakes Region in Belknap County.

The date was approximately June of 2022.

At around 10:00 PM I heard tree knocks in the woods surrounding my home in Belmont, NH. They started by sounding really faint, but then became really close, very fast. Whenever I yelled out the window, they would stop. Then they would start up again, far away. Two seconds later, they sounded really close once again.

At one point I heard one right at the tree behind my window. I leaped out of bed, ran to my back door slider and flipped on the light. I saw nothing outside. This continued until about 1:00 AM when suddenly I heard something running on two feet as if it were charging. Then one of my trees (a large thick tree) was being shaken violently. Another tree was also being shaken violently but higher up. A large branch fell over but nothing fell down with it. The second big tree was pushed over. Then it became silent again, followed by two more tree knocks, which were both further away.

My neighbor, having been awakened by the commotion, had come outside.

The next morning we were both outside early to see what happened. A high branch on one of the trees was pushed over, and trees were lined up against it. Other trees that had been pushed over in the direction of the houses.

Nothing like this has happened since, although my son and I did walk through the woods to look for more clues. We found that the woods end at the border of someone else’s property which is fenced off. So we figure that whatever it was, it must have jumped the fence!